Campaign Launched To Help Disabled Victims Of Crime
A campaign has been launched to help disabled victims of crime gain the support and funding they require to obtain justice. Started by Craig Chant, a former employee in the financial services sector, who witnessed countless breaches in data protection and FCA regulations, software piracy as well as hacking, fraud, illegal marketing activities, and even file sharing naked pictures of children all of which he tried to stand up against but was subjected to false accusations of criminal activity, abuse, discrimination and intimidation in order to exploit and control him. The campaign aims to raise awareness and funds to help other people who have been victims of disability discrimination and hate crimes and affected by similar issues. As time went on, Craig found it harder and harder to fulfil his duties due to undiagnosed and untreated autism so he tried to better himself and gain qualifications in order to leave his employer and further his career by taking a diploma in computing via the Open University, which took him 4 years to complete (instead of 2 years) during evenings and weekends. He tried to stand up against his abusers but was subjected to false accusations of criminal activity (theft of MD’s company credit card - 2007) as well as a kangaroo disciplinary for insubordination when he refused to take part in their criminal activities (2009). During this period it became clear he had learning issues and was referred for assessment and was diagnosed with Dyspraxia. At the December 2013 Christmas party Craig was awarded ‘Employee of the year’ which was also in conjunction with having been awarded his diploma in computing. However, instead of being rewarded he was made to wear a silly hat while everyone laughed at him. Craig was also stolen from (a large sum of money) which includes doing a huge amount of work, where he was not only not paid, but later the employer denied the work had been done! Which he considered to be modern day slavery as a disability hate crime! If you have been affected by similar issues to the one’s affecting disabled people in this news story and would like to access sources of help and support or contribute to the campaign, please visit: