An exhibiting event which invites visitors, organisations and authorities to promote their services to disabled people is to start holding roadshow events right across the country. After gaining investment from “Key Fund,” Choice Unlimited is to start holding events at a national level to highlight and voice the opportunities that are available through Independent Living to raise disabled people’s awareness of the support that is available to them.
The first of these events will be taking place on 8th July at the University of East London in association with Sport England’s new scheme “Let’s Play.” Further events will also be taking place in Birmingham, Lincoln, East London, Nottingham and Cheshire.
Choice Unlimited is a powerful and innovative catalyst in thinking about social care, support and independent living in an entirely different way.
The Leicester Centre for Integrated Living which is based on Andrewes Street is a user lead organisation run and controlled by disabled people to support and promote their independence. They provide a range of professional disability services in Leicester and Leicestershire that empower disabled people, their family and friends. LCIL aims to support and promote independence, inclusion and equality. Support will be provided through LCIL and also through organisations, businesses and professionals